Public Bridleway sign

Horse Access campaign UK

The Horse Access campaign has been launched on Facebook and SADBG members are invited to get involved.

HAC UK has been set up to bring together all those working throughout the country for safe access routes and networks for the horse.

HAC UK invites you to join this urgent national campaign to support, encourage, educate and inspire all those working to achieve this and to share information, updates, your experiences and ask questions. Help demonstrate we are not the minority we are perceived to be.

HAC UK is asking all horse and other access organisations, access officers, and interested individuals to join together in this inclusive powerful national lobby movement to support, encourage, educate and inspire all horse riders, carriage drivers, owners and others to campaign for the creation of a fully inclusive safe multi-user national network of connecting routes.

This action has been taken following a meeting between concerned representatives from The Byway and Bridleway Trust, the National Federation of Bridleways Associations, The Trails Trust, Better Tracks Better Trails, Bucks and Wadey, a Local Access Forum and the British Horse Society (Access) – who together have a wealth of rights of way experience and geographical coverage.

HAC UK has set out lobby points which would extend, restore and create a safe network of countryside and urban multi user (foot, horse, cycle) routes.

Six lobby points were broadly agreed as being central to access aspirations:

  1. Improving road safety on roads that form part of the network
  2. Extending inclusive multi user access on existing routes where horses are not currently included
  3. Ensuring public good for public subsidies (particular reference to the Agriculture Bill)
  4. Extending access through route creation
  5. Restoring historical routes
  6. Recording / ensuring the use of unsealed unclassified county roads

HAC UK fully supports the efforts of all existing access organisations, individuals and road safety groups, HAC UK does not aim to supplant or duplicate any of this amazing work.  HAC aims to draw everyone together and forward into a better future for horse access.