Survey results!

Thank you to everyone who completed our 2016 survey! You can check out the results below:

How long have you been a member of SADBG?

Up to a year 15.79%
2-5 years 31.58%
5+ years 26.32%
Facebook member only 18.42%
Not a member 7.9%

How often do you use local bridleways?

Every day 36.84%
Every week 52.63%
Monthly 2.63%
Hardly ever 7.89%
Never 0.00%

Do you own your own horse?

Yes 84.21%
No 0.00%
Loan horse/pony 15.79%

Do you know where you can legally ride in your local area?

Yes 36.84
No 7.89%
Yes but only in certain areas 55.26%

Visit our Where to Ride page for an updated map of local routes.

What would encourage you to attend our bridleways meetings?

More interactive activities
More of a social side incorporated into meeting
Personal commitments changing
More advertising
More feedback on bridleway improvements
More people from Brotton/Skelton attending
More freebies
Maps and photos of bridleways

Look out for our 2017 Race Night and Quiz Night! Details will be posted on our Events page soon!

If you could improve one local bridleway where would it be and why?

The one at Yearby gets really boggy in winter
New Marske the ground is very muddy in the winter
Blocked path at Moorsolm (National Park informed)
A174 Bypass overgrown
Black Ash Path Needs widening
Quarry Lane overgrown (this has since been cut back)
Surface of track from Upleatham to Quarry Lane
Around Boltby
Improved gates
Link from New Marske to Guisborough
More circular loops
Route to Errington Woods from Saltburn
Airy Hill, Skelton Green – the path that runs alongside the top field from Boosbeck Woods is overgrown and old barbed wire fencing needs replacing
Access to Wilton village
Stankhouse Farm and Castle Woods/Milbank Woods which lead to Long Lane, Moorsolm Lane and Looding Bank via Park House Farm – Impassible due to overgrown bushes, blocked routes and electric wire.

We will be sharing all the suggestions from our survey with Redcar and Cleveland Council. Many of these issues have already been raised as part of the Countryside Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

Do you know what the bridleways group does?

Yes 56.76
No 5.41%
Some idea 37.84%

You can find out more about our work by visiting our About Us and Achievements pages

Which of these talks would most likely encourage you to attend our meetings?

Where to ride locally 65.71%
Vet 60.00%
Rights of Way 57.14%
Farrier 57.14%
Saddler 54.29%
Famous rider 54.29%
Quiz 54.29%

How can we improve our website, newsletters and social media?

More regular updates
More emails
Share routes via Strava

Prize draw winner

Well done to Nicola Smith who won the prize draw for a year’s free membership!